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“Hi, I’m Oscar!”

I’m 18 years old and live in the North of England. I’m pretty much like most other kids my age – I like Minecraft, Lego, scooters, Marvel superheroes, YouTube, cats and science. Unlike most kids, I have this thing called autism. Autism gives me super powers such as having an awesome memory, excellent hearing, a very logical mind and, most importantly for my review videos, a very honest opinion. If I like something I’ll tell you. If I don’t like something I will also let you know. So if you want an honest opinion on any toys, games, magazines or movies then please do get in touch!

Sometimes I’m joined by my little sister, Phoebe. She’s 17 years old and likes animals, teddies, craft, writing, reading, Minecraft, YouTube and superheroes.

‘Fat Dad’ (aka MaFt) does all the recording, editing and website admin as well as finding great things for me and my sister to review. He handles all the email and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube) and is the one who you’ll be dealing with if you want to work with me.